Payment Options

  • REGISTRATION FEE: All students are charged a $50 registration fee, the fee is deducted from the tuition fee. Registration fees are non-refundable.

  • PRORATED: Payment plans are based on an August enrollment. Students enrolling at a later date will be prorated according to how many lessons and months are left in the season.

FALL 2024|21 Lessons View Calendar| August 11, 2024 - February 1, 2025

Voice: $1050

Drums & Piano: $945

Guitar: $777

Plan A: Paid in full-5% Off

Plan B: 6 Monthly Payments

Voice Lessons:

Aug 1: $50 + $125

Sept 1: $175

Oct 1: $175

Nov 1: $175

Dec 1: $175

Jan 1: $175

Drums & Piano Lessons:

Aug 1: $50 + $107.5

Sept 1: $157.50

Oct 1: $157.50

Nov 1: $157.50

Dec 1: $157.50

Jan 1: $157.50

Guitar Lessons:

Aug 1: $50 + $124.50

Sept 1: $129.50

Oct 1: $129.50

Nov 1: $129.50

Dec 1: $129.50

Jan 1: $129.50

SPRING 2025| February 3, 2025 - May 24, 2025

Voice: $750

Drums & Piano: $675

Plan A: Paid in full-5% Off

Plan B: 4 Monthly Payments


Feb 1: $50+137.50

Mar 1: $187.50

Apr 1: $187.50

May 1: $187.50

Drums & Piano:

Feb 1: $50+137.50

Mar 1: $168.50

Apr 1: $168.50

May 1: $168.50

SUMMER 2025| June 2, 2025-August 9, 2025